For the Love of Bluebirds!
Mountain Bluebird Trails (MBT) is a volunteer organization consisting of members who monitor Mountain and Western bluebirds throughout the Northern U.S. Rocky Mountain region and coordinate the conservation efforts for interested persons or groups. MBT works toward its goals by promoting bluebird conservation projects, conducting educational programs, distributing educational materials, collecting and sharing nesting box data, and aiding in the development of nest box trails. We've been caring for nestlings since 1974.
Click the button below to learn more.

First Bluebird Sighting Contest!
The Most Wonderful Time of the Year - When the Bluebirds Return!

Time to get our eyes checked, get new glasses, and get new binoculars and try to win the FIRST BLUEBIRD SIGHTING CONTEST!
Hats will be given for the 1st & 2nd place BOTH East and West of the Divide. Idaho, North Dakota , Canada, too! Winners must be members of MBT and current with their dues.
Report sightings to Jane Brockway. My phone number is in the newsletter! CALL ME! Email doesn’t count! Your report needs to include DATE, TIME and PLACE of sighting! You may even get to talk to my wonderful husband, Alan who puts up with my bluebirding, otherwise, leave a message and I will get back to you as soon as I can!
Good Luck to all you bluebirders!
Interesting Articles
Over the years, members have written articles for our newsletters and general membership. We've also received articles from different organizations that we have permission to publish. CLICK HERE to go to the website page where you can read a few of these.
Winterizing Boxes
After nesting season, we recommend winterizing the bluebird boxes for which you are responsible. CLICK HERE to read a paper written by Harry Powell III, PhD, on how to best winterize bluebird boxes.
Fledgling Report
If you are maintaining bluebird boxes, you can help us count the number of fledglings this year. CLICK HERE to download and fill out the report.
Do's and Don'ts
Understand the best practices for helping mountain and western bluebirds. CLICK HERE to download a document of the Do's and Don'ts for bluebird success and conservation.
Join Us
As a member, you will support conservation efforts, preserve bluebirds and other cavity nesters, and receive our newsletter, a Mountain Bluebird Trail Monitoring Guide, window decal, and more. CLICK HERE to download our membership brochure.

Members of Mountain Bluebird Trails receive a quarterly newsletter with tips, news, and other bluebird information. CLICK HERE
to download and view a free example of our newsletter.